UREA是直接测定尿素,而BUN测定的是尿素中的氮含量,但在实际临床中,两者都用于反映肾功能状态。 Urea(尿素)和BUN(Blood Urea Nitrogen,血尿素氮)在医学上是相关的概念,但有所区别。 尿素是人体蛋白质代谢的主要终末产物,氨基酸脱氨基产生NH₃和CO₂,两者在肝脏中合成尿素,每合成1分子尿素需要消耗2分子氨、3分...
BUN(Blood Urea Nitrogen,血尿素氮)是血浆中除蛋白质以外的一种含氮化合物,是尿素分子中的氮含量。BUN的检测对于了解肾脏的滤过和排泄功能具有重要意义。正常情况下,BUN的浓度维持在一个相对稳定的范围内,成人正常值为3.2-7.1mmol/L,而婴儿和儿童的正常值则略低。BUN的升高往往提示肾...
blood urea clearance test 【医】 血脲廊清试验(检肾机能) steamed bun 0. 馒头 caramel bun phr. 焦糖面包 Vegetarian Bun 素菜包 相似单词 bun n.[C] 1. 小圆甜蛋糕;小圆甜饼 2. 圆面包 3. 圆发髻 4. buns 屁股 Bun 圆面包 urea n. 尿素 nitrogen n.[U] 1.氮 blood n. 1.[U...
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) sensorBUN containing immobilized urea and immobilized carbonic anhydrase for the in vitro detection of urea nitrogen with an accuracy characteristic and improved performance, in a biological sample and the blood (blood urea nitrogen) sensors.コリアー,ブルース,ジー....
血尿素氮(Blood Urea Nitrogen,BUN),也呈尿素氮。血浆中除蛋白质以外的一种含氮化合物,它从肾小球滤过而排除体外。尿素氮是人体蛋白质代谢的主要终产物。氨基酸脱氨基产生NH3和CO2,两者在肝脏中合成尿素。每克蛋白质代谢产生尿素0.3 g。尿素中氮含量为28/60。通常,肾脏为排泄尿素的主要器官,尿素从肾小球滤过后...
Why You Get the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Your doctor may order a BUN test as part of a routine checkup when a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) or basic metabolic panel (BMP) blood test is taken. If you have a kidney condition, the test is a way to check what your BUN levels are...
(redirected fromblood urea nitrogen (BUN)) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia BLOOD, kindred. This word, in the law sense, is used to signify relationship, stock, or family; as, of the blood of the ancestor. 1 Roper on Leg. 103; 1 Supp. to Ves. jr. 365. In a more extended ...
blood 高考,CET4,考研 BUN缩写是血尿素氮的意思,BUN全写blood urea nitrogen。 BUN缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择BUN正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:血尿素氮 2.有道翻译:血尿素氮获赞6次 声明:内容版权归作者所有,未经授权不得任意转载 本文标题和链接: BUN-血尿素氮的英...
(redirected from blood urea nitrogen (BUN))Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. ni·tro·gen (nī′trə-jən) n. Symbol N A nonmetallic element that constitutes nearly four-fifths of the air by volume, occurring as a colorless, odorless, almost inert diatomic gas,...
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