Urdu translation of Urdu words and example sentences Our free Urdu-Urdu dictionary is provided by Wiktionary™ and world star major dictionaires. You can use our Urdu-English translator, English-Urdu translator, Urdu keyboard and Urdu keyboard. ...
Turkish translation of Urdu words and example sentencesOur free Urdu-Turkish dictionary is provided by Wiktionary™ and world star major dictionaires. You can use our Urdu-Turkish translator, Turkish-Urdu translator, Turkish spell checker and Urdu keyboard. ...
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Translate English to Urdu in largest English to Urdu Dictionary. Find Urdu words in our Urdu to English Dictionary, Find meaning of English, Urdu and Roman words. Find Definition & Synonym of Sentences along with related words and opposite words
— Rajeev Mullick (@rmulko)March 10, 2021 What other words are related toUrdu? Pakistan Hindustani Hindi Arabic Persian Delhi Mughal Quiz yourself! True or False? TheUrdulanguage is based on Sanskrit.
Consult free online English to Urdu dictionary for Urdu to English translation and from English to Urdu meaning, this English Urdu dictionary is authentic and trustworthy for definition, antonyms, synonyms, similar words, meanings, translations and pronu
The meaning of URDU is an Indo-Aryan language that has the same colloquial basis as standard Hindi, is an official language of Pakistan, and is widely used by Muslims in urban areas of India.
Multi Language Dictionary FROM:EnglishUrduArabicHindi TO:UrduArabicHindi Arabic to Urdu Dictionary Languages are a key component of communication. There are roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today, Arabic is one of them. However, there are around 25 Arab speaking countries that claim...
Multi Language Dictionary FROM:EnglishUrduArabicHindi TO:UrduArabicHindi Arabic to Urdu Dictionary Languages are a key component of communication. There are roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today, Arabic is one of them. However, there are around 25 Arab speaking countries that claim...
Are you studying English and you want to know the meaning in real Urdu language. Then this dictionary is for you. A complete offline English to Urdu and urdu to…