To start typing in Urdu, just type a word as it is pronounced in English. This would then be transliterated into Urdu. For E.g. if you typethen it would be transliterated into. If the transliterated word is not what you have expected - either click on the word or use the backspace ...
into Urdu.It gives the word Englishmeaning in Urdu.It provides as many meaning of a word that might they exist. In this age of technology, everyone wants their daily usage apps in their phone. Urdu Point givesUrdu to English dictionary free download for mobile.Through this website users ...
audio version, and has also been translated into six minority languages(Urdu,Hindi, Nepali, Tagalog, Thai and Indonesian). 修訂守則備有中/英文版,此外亦備 有凸字版、大字版和話音版,並且已翻譯成六種少數族裔語文(烏都語、印度語、尼泊爾語、菲律賓語、泰語及印尼語)。
Apply Now New Book Launch Service: Boost Your Book’s Success byMuhammad Qasim Writing and publishing a book is a monumental achievement, but getting it into the hands of eager readers requires more … Apply Now Sufi Stories: Wisdom and Spirituality in the Heart of Islamic Mysticism ...
Free Online English to Urdu Dictionary with roman Urdu meaning. Also Translation Urdu word to English meaning with Synonyms and definition.
巴基斯坦官方语言,1796年,曾被称为 Hindustani,源自乌尔都语 urdu “营地”,来自土耳其 ordu(horde 的来源); 简称 zaban-i-urdu “营地语言”。比较一下 Dzongkha,它是不丹的一种藏语变体,也是官方语言,字面意思是“堡垒的语言”。这是一种混合了波斯语和阿拉伯语的印度教形式。 “因为它自11世纪以来在印度穆斯...
With the help ofPak Urdu Installer, you can type Urdu anywhere on computer and internet, but if you want to convert some Urdu text (Unicode) into InPage formate, use this tool.With this converter tool, you can convert Unicode Urdu Text into InPage formate ...
Urdu translation tools, dictionary, books and more online. English to Urdu converter to type, save and print in Urdu language.
A great number of classical texts from Arabic and Persian have also been translated into Urdu. Relatively inexpensive publishing, combined with the use of Urdu as a lingua franca among Muslims of South Asia, has meant that Islam-related works in Urdu far outnumber such works in any other ...
Now Marina was a romantic, she had not yet fallen into that passive state of mind which accepts that one should find a corner to live, anywhere, and then arrange one's whole life around it.