Copy the final text written in Urdu using Copy to Clipboard paste it wherever you like! To type "میرا خیال ہے" inUrdu alphabetjust write "mera khyal hai" To write your name for facebook or twitter simple type your name in English and press space bar ...
Once you have finished typing,you can email the text to anyonefor free. Alternatively, you can copy the text andshare it on social media such asFacebookor Twitter, in a blog, comment, or paste it into a Word documentfor further formatting and processing. ...
Copy the final text written in Urdu using Copy to Clipboard paste it wherever you like! To type "میرا خیال ہے" inUrdu alphabetjust write "mera khyal hai" To write your name for facebook or twitter simple type your name in English and press space bar ...
PressCtrl+Gto switch between English and Urdu. Use thebackspaceor click on any wordto see additional choicesin a dropdown menu. Once you’ve finished typing, you can email the text to your friends and family. Simply copy and pasteto post content on Facebook, Twitter, or format it in a...
This is so much fun and makes typing interesting enough. We encourage users to activate this keyboard app for fast input and easy typing. ● Autocorrect to avoid mistakes ● Word suggestions for better writing. ● Smart typing tool ● Perfect copy-paste keyboard ● Best fit Urdu language ...
This is so much fun and makes typing interesting enough. We encourage users to activate this keyboard app for fast input and easy typing. ● Autocorrect to avoid mistakes ● Word suggestions for better writing. ● Smart typing tool ● Perfect copy-paste keyboard ● Best fit Urdu language ...
Hold [Shift] on your physical Keyboard to type capital letters, and the texts will become the upper case. When complete, you can copy and paste the letters. To double-click the [Select All] button to highlight all text, then press [Ctrl]+[c] to double and [Ctrl]+[v] to paste on...
You can anytime make changes to the key's background and Urdu alphabet on the keys. This is so much fun and makes typing interesting enough. We encourage users to activate this keyboard app for fast input and easy typing. ● Autocorrect to avoid mistakes ...