usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;usingUnity.Robotics.UrdfImporter;publicclassJointTest:MonoBehaviour{//PD参数设置有两种方式,isJointSame = true各个关节参数一样,为false可自定义关节参数publicboolisJointSame=true;publicfloatsameStiffness=0.0f;publicfloatsameDamping=0.0f;publ... 1. 4. URDF模型导入 将URDF模型导入Unity的场景中。 在Unity的Assets中配置“toio_style.urdf”。 在Project窗口中,右键点击“toio_style.urdf”,选择“Import Robot Select form URDF file” 3. Import URDF 4....
Enter the git URL for the URDF Importer with the latest version tag (currently v0.5.2) the text box and pressEnter. ClickImport URDF. ...
An exception named'Packages/com.unity.robotics.urdf-importer/Runtime/UnityMeshImporter/Plugins/AssimpNet/Native/win/x86/assimp.dll' (Key: assimp.dll;None) since plugin with the same name and architecture was already added ('Packages/com.unity.robotics.urdf-importer/Runtime/UnityMeshImporter/Plugins...
The importer loads the visual geometry including meshes and materials of the robots, so you can use them for your work, research or games in Unity3D. All you need to provide is a .urdf file (not .xacro), the meshes in .dae, .obj or .fbx format, and the materials if they are not...
Describe the bug I got some errors when I export Andorid package. Exception: Cannot include plugin 'Packages/com.unity.robotics.urdf-importer/Runtime/UnityMeshImporter/Plugins/AssimpNet/Native/win/x86/assimp.dll' (Key: assimp.dll;None) s...
Unity version is 2020.2 and 2020.3, URDF importer 0.2.0, both have invalid AABB errors. When I use URDF importer 0.0.5 in Unity 2020.3, the MessProcess cannot be found. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance! --- update --- I find
Describe the bug I loaded the Franka panda arm from their official repo into unity. However, the colliders of the arm look weird compared to the colliders of other robots I successfully loaded. After setting the stiffness and dampness to...
URDF importer robotroboticsunitysimulationrosurdfrobot-modelrobotics-simulationrobot-simulationunity-roboticsrobotics-development UpdatedOct 2, 2023 C# Daniella1/urdf_files_dataset Star237 Code Issues Pull requests urdfurdf-descriptions UpdatedApr 6, 2024 ...
However when im running the application ill get a lot of "Invalid AABB a" and similar erros. Also unity crashes when switching to the scene tab. Right now i have no idea how to troubleshoot. Perhaps you are able to assist? With the niryo_one robot everything worked fine. ...