PhD Positions in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning PhD直招2021秋季招满即止 报名清单 主办方 谢菲尔德大学 PhD直招介绍 All our PhD students have the support of two (or more) supervisors to guide them through their projects, a dedicated training programme of support within our Department...
中弗洛里达大学UCF 傅衍杰老师组 博士招生,方向为urban planning, spatial-temporal data mining, and et al. 感兴趣的可以看下。 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant (GRA/GTA) positions are available for well-motivated students who want to pursue PhD degrees at the department of Computer Science at Univ...
PhD直招介绍 I am also looking to recruit a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on (one or both of) the two lines of research listed above, who will be jointly appointed in the HKU Institute of Data Science and Department of Urban Planning and Design. Please refer to the job advertisement athttps...
of Data Science and Department of Urban Planning and Design at HKU. I obtained my PhD in ...
The PhD position is a core part of the project “The weight of cities and dematerialization and decarbonization implications (CityWeight)” recently funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. Cities present both the problems and solutions to sustainability challenges. Urbanization is largely...
UrbanEngineer works with companies in growth mode on positions from VP and Director level to individual contributor in Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Professional Services and everything in between. We service Software, Hardware, Retail, Healthcare, CPG, Automotive, Construction, and more. We have ...
Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning (UAP), Virginia Tech; Joann Boughman Innovation Fellow at USG; Associate Director, Center for the Future of Work Places and Practices (CFWPP); Head of Outreach and Engagement, Center for European and Transatlantic St
PhD Thesis, Tottori University, Japan. Google Scholar Qiu GY, Momii K, Yano T (1996a). Estimation of Plant Transpiration by Imitation Leaf Temperature Theoretical consideration and field verification (I). Transactions of the Japanese society of irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, 1996...
Two doctoral positions in urban science; measuring and modeling human behavior in cities PhD直招2021秋季 申请时间:2021.09.17截止 报名清单 主办方 苏黎世联邦理工学院 PhD直招介绍 The Chair for Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development and th...
or work with communities and civic organizations directly effecting change. There is a need to train the people who can span these two tracks—the bridge builders between the worlds of academia and practice. They are increasingly in demand and often occupy sustainability related positions in governme...