I mentioned the gift card and then also there’s a $10 off coupon every month of someone’s Nuuly subscriptions. So the goal here is really to test and learn and to understand the degree to which customers are intrigued by these offerings. And then also be able to measure over time how...
Urban Outfitters成立于1970年,是美国Indie-Rock(居家文化) 的服饰鼻祖。没有大批量的产品,也没有大量的广告宣传,只有经济实惠且时尚大气的高档货。经营的产品系列主要包括:女装、男装、配饰及运动系列等。 官网地址:http://wwwurbanoutfitters.com Urban Outfitters US官网点评: My item return status was shown as...
I would like to see some of the improvements at Urban Outfitters, but there are — some of the product does look at that’s been coming in. But I just — I wanted to actually focus on Anthropologie. The improvement there has been very, very consistent, getting better season after season...