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Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters US now operates over 200 stores in the...
Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters US now operates over 200 stores in the...
Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters US now operates over 200 stores in the...
Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters US now operates over 200 stores in the...
Urban Outfitters US is a lifestyle retailer dedicated to inspiring customers through a unique combination of product, creativity and cultural understanding. Founded in 1970 in a small space across the street from the University of Pennsylvania, Urban Outfitters US now operates over 200 stores in the...
Urban Outfitters的发展始于1970年一个具有远见的小商店。坐落在费城的一个排房子从美国宾夕法尼亚大学的几个街区,经营超过130家门店,在美国,加拿大和欧洲,提供了一个兼收并蓄的商品。Urban Outfitters公司在时尚世界提供了一个兼收并蓄和时髦的商品组合。三十三年后,已经成长为管理三个不同的品牌,提供Urban ...
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Urban Outfitters為提倡健康和多元生活方式的零售商,致力以獨特的產品、創意和文化理解組合為顧客帶來啟發與靈感。1970年,UO於美國賓夕法尼亞州大學對面街道的小店開始營業,至今在美加及歐洲已坐擁逾200間分店。UO不僅積極為各地顧客呈獻耳目一新的購物環境,更有緊貼時裝界潮流的男女服飾——從波希米亞裙裝、牛仔服飾和...
urban-outfitters urban-renewal V vacation vagabond-shoemakers vera-bradley von-dutch W walk-in-paris wax-london wellinus wildfang wish-me-luck without-walls wonderskin worship-supplies X xlarge xo-fetti Y ya-man yashica yui-brooklyn Z