By introducing optical plane constraints (Eq. 8) projected by the structured light generator, the depth information of the target distance from the optical center of the camera is made solvable. $$ax_c\;+\;by_c\;+\;cz_c=\;d$$ (8) where a, b, c and d are the parameters of st...
10b, d) and Optical Valley Software Park within the “Third Ring Road”. These results suggested that the dynamic population exposure to PM2.5 among taxi drivers was related to their travel behavior. Discussion Interpretations of results This study developed a method to rapidly assess dynamic ...
The guidebook to the park, and park website, notes that, the: “slim, elegant forms keep shifting in an enthralling and almost mesmerizing dance. The artist presents us with optical illusions and plays with the interaction between shapes“. It was indeed hypnotic, but it is also interestin...
BLOCKAGE CONSIDERATIONS As the radio frequency increases, its propagation behaves more like optical propagation and may become blocked by intervening objects. Typically, two categories of blockage are considered: dynamic blockage and geometry-induced blockage. Dynamic blockage is caused by the moving ...
(Gamba & Aldrighi, 2012). The urban land cover was mapped by combining high-resolution SAR and optical imagery and using the Bayesian classification technique for improved classification (Amarsaikhan et al., 2010). The SAR-based interferometric technique, on the other hand, is used to map ...
Optical microscopy images of bulk soil (A), magnetic non-crushable soil fraction (B), and non-magnetic non-crushable soil fraction (C) Full size image Plant growth and measurements The tobacco plants cv. Badischer Geudertheimer (BaG) were firstly sowed and grown in the Ctrl soil under a gr...
The WSF201517,48is the global human settlements map at 10 m resolution for the year 201517and was generated through an advanced classification system that uses a combination of multi-temporal Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar and Landsat-8 optical satellite imagery for the first time49. It is...
HMs were measured using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES; PerkinElmer Optima 4300 DV, USA). For quality control, soil and dust samples were analyzed in four replicates. Qtest was applied to exclude abnormal values at a confidence level of 95%. Levels of HMs in...
with a slope of 0.73. The reconstructed results suggested that using measured chemical components to reconstruct the PM2.5mass concentration can suitably yield the measured PM2.5mass. This reconstruction method has been widely applied in previous studies through offline sampling45,46. This phenomenon has...
The annual mean PM2.5surface concentration (micrograms per cubic meter) for each city over the study period was calculated from the Global Annual PM2.5Grids at 0.01° resolution52. This data set combines Aerosol Optical Depth retrievals from multiple satellite instruments including the NASA Moderate ...