While the original plan was to get all five novels of the series published in one calendar year, I still managed to publish four novels in one year. Generally that only happens with formulaic books like the Babysitters’ Club, but I tried to provide you with original books with well drawn...
I wonder: do carfree characters in novels tend to be depicted as unusual and out of step? As the book unfolds, Horace starts to connect with people: he befriends a dying librarian and reads aloud to him in his hospice bed; he gives money to a small-time cocaine dealer so she can st...
40) states in her insightful article “Narrating past and future: Deindustrialized landscapes as resources“ in which she uses two novels to grasp the complex processes of deindustrialisation: “… because imaginative narratives tell stories, and in part because their intent is not to analyze or ...
Numerous urban legends have provided the basis for films, novels, short stories, radio and television shows, video games, and comic books, especially in the horror genre. Full-length dramatizations of an urban legend include When a Stranger Calls (1979), in which a babysitter discovers that ...