Long-term and fine-scale satellite monitoring of the urban heat island effect by the fusion of multi-temporal and multi-sensor remote sensed data A 26-year case study of the city of Wuhan in China 热度: Effect of the pore size variation in the substrate of the gas diffusion layer on wate...
1、熱島效應 【urban heat island effect】 熱島效應的產生,是由於城市人口集中,工業發達,交通擁塞,大氣污染嚴重,且城市中的建築主要為石頭和混凝土建成,造成熱傳導率和熱容量都很高,而建築物又對風產生阻擋或減弱作用,使得城市的年平均溫度比郊區、農村高,從而形成城市熱島效應。產生熱島效應之後,城市上空像被扣...
and is most apparent when winds are weak. UHI is most noticeableduring the summer and winter.The main cause of the urban heat island effect is from themodification of
including “impact of urbanisation,”“effect of urban heat island,”“effect of UHI and heatwave in India,”“relationship between UHI and heatwave,” and “UHI review in India,” were used to identify a substantial number of scholarly articles and research materials. The criteria ...
Researchers have found that urban heat island effect made worse by sunbaked roads can be relieved by a simple measure: Paint the streets gray. A study by Arizona State University found that 1 a reflective, gray-colored material to black asphalt(柏油)resulted in a 10.5-to-12-degree Fahrenheit...
urban heat island (redirected fromUrban heat island effect) Acronyms [′ər·bən ′hēt ‚ī·lənd] (meteorology) Increased urban temperatures of 1-2°C higher for daily maxima and 1-9°C for daily minima compared to rural environs resulting from changes in moisture balance due to...
As the climate warms, increasing heat-related health risks are expected, and can be exacerbated by the urban heat island (UHI) effect. UHIs can also offer protection against cold weather, but a clear quantification of their impacts on human health across
Urban heat-island effect A microclimate created by the extra energy emissions and absorbed solar heat in a city. Buildings in urban areas retain far more heat into the night than the natural vegetation of rural areas, making it more difficult for urban areas to cool. This greatly increases ...
城市生态学论文 题目 浅析城市热岛效应 Analysis of urban heat island effect 热度: 昆明地区城市热岛效应的再 热度: 第31卷 第6期 2012年12月 高 原 气 象 PLATEAUMETEOROLOGY Vo1.31 No.6 December,2012 陈艳,段旭,董文杰,等.昆明地区城市热岛效应的再分析EJ].高原气象,2012,31(6):1753—1760 ...
Velazquez-Lozada A, Gonzalez JE, Winter A (2006) Urban heat island effect analysis for San Juan, Puerto Rico. Atmos Environ 40:1731–1741 View ArticleVelazquez-Lozada A , Gonzalez JE , Winter A . 2006 . Urban heat island effect analysis for San Juan, Puerto Rico . Atmospheric Environment ...