doi:10.1002/phbl.19950511105IHAVE a fox, a big one. Over three feet from nose to tail, shearrived in my garden a month ago...Jenkins, SimonZeitschrift Für Kardiologie
78. Urban areas are in fact being colonised not only by small rodents, but also by many of their predators, such as foxes, coyotes, stoats and birds of prey, that even
Interestingly, as a result of the lower thermal sensitivity of RMR to changes in Tnest, urban individuals spent less energy at the colder end of the Tnestrange, whereas this pattern was reversed at higher Tnest(below/above ~ 19 °C during the day and ~ 18 °C at night). Thes...
Wintertime is normally the season of privation for all creatures – there simply are fewer options for food. However winter can change from a time of scarcity to a season of starving when extreme weather destroys an already limited food resource. In recent years, wintertime flooding in certain a...
biodiversity, ecosystem services and a sustainable living environment at the other hand, in the way we design our residential areas (Rosenzweig2003)? Most earlier research on the household-parcel scale has focused on either ecological garden-structures and -features (e.g. Cornelis and Hermy2004; ...
The most dangerous animal in the United States is - wait for it - the white tailed-deer. Yup. There are now over 20 million of them, and far, far too many have become suburbanites. Panicked deer charging across busy roads cause traffic accidents in which more than 30,000 people are ...
The noise, smell and mess associated with flying-fox camps can reduce the amenity of private and public spaces, causing significant concern for some people; others complain about the foraging activities of flying-foxes in garden fruit trees [20]. Fear of disease transmission has also been noted...
In terms of overall "wins", where access to garden resources was gained, badgers dominated cats, which were dominant or equal to foxes, which dominated hedgehogs. However, hedgehogs exhibited a greater overall proportion of wins (39.3%) relative to cats. Our findings are important in the ...