Design Matters Architecture Interior Project Management Slide 1 About us Urbanscape Architects is recognised as one of the top architecture firms in India. Before commencingany project, a conscious effort is made to be sensitive towards the site, the occupants, and the materiality; the consequence ...
I am a qualified and experienced architect and working professional freelancer, I have been working from last 5 years as an architect in few of the architecture firms.
As one of the leading architectural firms in Delhi. We believe in space sensitive designs – a perfect combination of layout planning with visually appealing facades and interiors. Our process —-IDEA & START —-DESIGN & CRATE —-BUILD & FINISH View About us SOME INTERISTING FACTS Our...
a project with a focus on urban design that seeks to spatially transform the street so that it is governed by human relations, rather than using traffic control devices; this suggests that the street is not only a space for transportation and mobility but one in which many other social, econ...
Mohan did his ITI training in Delhi, and his parents were delighted to see their engineer son join a premier automobile company, bringing to life their dreams... Read More Where design is born By Urban Ladder . June 07, 2016 When Ashish and Rajiv first started their entrepreneurial journey ...
The tech conglomerate got into trouble in the US last year forallegedly using dark patterns to trickusers into subscribing for Amazon Prime. The US Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against the company, highlighting design practices such as Forced Action, Interface Interference, Obstruction (...
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and Italo Rota Design Museum of Carbon Fiber Made of the Same Material House in the Dunes / Worrell Yeung Architecture WAT Store / TOPOS DESIGN Quartz Slab - Classique | Mikado Quartz 100 Years Later, Prismática Gives an Abandoned Mec...
Bertaud's new book, ( Order without Design: How Markets Shape Cities) calls for incorporating urban economics into urban policy, the failure of which has contributed mightily to the present international housing affordability crisis. The standard of living has been retarded and poverty increased in ...
“mainstream” gender in transport, and urban planning domains. We need to understand the existing gaps to be able to answerwhat needs to be done differentlyin terms of infrastructure and service delivery design, provision, and promotion to prioritize equity in urban/transport planning. For ...
Trade-offs are inevitable, and difficult; while many mobility innovations make sense in theory, politics will make accommodating them exceptionally challenging. So important is the regulatory environment that major transportation firms and start-ups today have sizable public-policy departments. These firms...