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Urban Decay是来自美国的专业品牌,隶属于欧莱雅集团。旗下的彩妆商品极具自身的品牌特色。明星产品包括Naked系列眼影盘,定妆喷雾,Vice口红等。2021年UD再推出naked系列新成员——...
UrbanDecay包装设计的背景 UrbanDecay是一家知名的彩妆品牌,成立于1996年,以其大胆、前卫的风格而闻名。UrbanDecay的包装设计也是其成功的关键之一。包装设计不仅仅是装饰品牌产品的外观,更是品牌形象和价值观的体现。 UrbanDecay包装设计的特点 UrbanDecay包装设计的一个显著特点是其鲜明的个性和独特的风格。品牌将直接而...
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Spatial Proximity Site Choice Exponential Decay Constant (factor multiplied to the spatial proximity coefficient per kilometer distance): 0.55 (example: a recreational site at a distance of 2.3km would have a weight of\(0.55^{1.3}=0.46\)) ...
According to the terrain features of the research area, the maximum and minimum infiltration rates are 76.2 mm/h and 3.18 mm/h, and the decay coefficient is 4 h–1 [52]. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 4 m horizontal resolution for Dalian is used to build the model. In the ...
Figure 3. The rate of land value change as a distance decay function from a new urban area. 2.2.3. The Interaction Module The interaction module defines the relationship between developers and the environment they interact with (i.e., the cell space). Here, developers’ development decisions...