‘financial exclusion’ in the UK in the mid-1990s. Financial exclusion was understood as a process by which certain individuals, households, and communities were denied access to the financial system. This work was immediately concerned with closure of bank and building society branches – ...
DBS Bank has been present in India for 30 years, opening its first office in Mumbai in 1994. DBS Bank India Limited is the first among the large foreign banks in India to start operating as a wholly owned, locally incorporated subsidiary of a leading global...
One fintech company for all your banking and finance services. Urban Money provides state-of-the-art digital finance solutions. Visit now to know more about fintech solutions & services offered by our allied partners.
where he eventually held various positions in the investment banking division of the London, Rome and Milan branches from 1980 through 1991. He served as member of the board of directors and of the executive committee of Sorin S.p.A. (2006 - 2009) and as member of the board of directors...
De-Congestion of Commercial Bank Branches in Rural and Semi-Urban India Through Alternate Channel Products PrajnānParashar, RohitPanda, Bibekananda
Post office POIs (70,400) belong to municipal utilities (U) when their names include the following terms: branches, service stations, service stops, post offices, agencies, delivery points, charge points, or captaining departments. 3.1.2. Reclassification of Nanjing Commercial POIs By summarizing ...
Random factors were added to 𝛽β to introduce individual heterogeneity and to accommodate the correlation between the selection branches. This paper assumes that two kinds of attribute parameters, namely, travel consumption time and fare, are random variables subject to the lognormal distribution. ...
The management discipline has evolved into many branches, each of which has its character and specialization field, one of which is facility management. Salaj and Lindkvist [18] recommended expanding the FM discipline into an urban-scale practice after Alexander and Brown [37] had earlier proposed...
According to the water system classification of “Master Urban Planning of Beijing (2016–2035)”, waterfront segments in the study area are divided into A-six seas and eight rivers, B- two corridors, C- two rings, D- multiple branches, E- lakes and parks. In this study, the waterfront...
In particular, within the sample plot labeled ‘G,’ a significant number of European oleander (Nerium oleander) trees were present. These trees are characterized by their tendency to grow numerous branches, leading to a relatively flat canopy area replete with multiple robust branch tops. This ...