Strong affordability continues in many markets, such as Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Quebec, Indianapolis Cincinnati and Kansas City. This edition includes a comparison of Perth,, Australia and Austin, Texas, similarly fast growing markets, but where the differences in ...
Wintertime atmospheric light extinction in Dallas, Texas, was estimated through the use of aerosol models. The SCAPE thermodynamic equilibrium model was used to estimate the liquid water associated with particles and the ELSIE Mie scattering model was applied to estimate the resulting light extinction....
the owner of the new home, is essentially, "locked-in" and "captive" to the building's energy systems for the life-cycle of their new home or building. And so is that home or building'sfuture owners. For example, a homeowner that built a new home just 10 years ago in Dallas, Tex...
Strong affordability continues in many markets, such as Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Quebec, Indianapolis Cincinnati and Kansas City. This edition includes a comparison of Perth,, Australia and Austin, Texas, similarly fast growing markets, but where the differences in ...
Alan Plummer Associates Inc (2010) Stormwater harvesting guidance document for the Texas Water Development Board. Fort Worth, Texas, US Available at (Accessed 13 February 2017) Google Scholar Am...
This article is property of Urban Ag News and was written by David Kuack, a freelance technical writer in Fort Worth, Texas. Caesars Forum, Las Vegas, NV Press Release — Urban and controlled environment agriculture advisory firmAgritecturewill host the pre-event workshop, “Planning Your Comme...
David Kuack is a freelance technical writer in Fort Worth, Texas; The indoor agriculture industry has grown rapidly as consumer demand for fresh, local produce anytime, anywhere is forcing shifts in global supply chains. Indoor Ag-Con is the premier event covering the technol...
Across North Texas, companies are promoting and hiring people to take on leadership positions within their organizations.Dallas Innovatescovers prominent personnel moves in Dallas-Fort Worth businesses and nonprofits—from the newest startups to well-established companies. Here are people move...
景观| 规划 | 城市设计 Landscape Architecture | Planning | Urban Design ROSEMONT BRIDGE | HOUSTON, TEXAS ROSEMONT景观步行桥 | 德州休斯敦 "SWA拥有不可思议的创意设计能力,从设计到施工全程无缝跟 进,并且注重细节和极高的完成度." —RONALD LOCH, VP PLANNING & DESIGN, TAUBMAN 关于 SWA 六十多年来,...
One major challenge facing Texas greenhouse vegetable growers is warmer summer temperatures. “Trying to cool the air temperature to optimal levels in a greenhouse is impossible using a common cooling system, such as a combination of evaporative cooling and shade cloth,” Niu said. “Gro...