成功安装UrBackup服务器后,列表中的下一项是添加一个客户端,其文件和目录将在服务器上备份。 为此,请单击“ADD new Client”按钮。 Urbackup 添加新客户端 在出现的页面上,单击“添加新的互联网/活动客户端”并为客户端提供您的首选名称。然后提供客户端系统的 IP 地址并单击“ADD new Client”。 Urbackup 客户...
1. 准备环境为展示 Urbackup 的功能,我们将在两个节点上进行设置:Ubuntu 20.04 服务器作为备份中心。2. 安装 Urbackup 服务器首先登录服务器,更新存储库,然后安装必要的依赖。Ubuntu 的官方存储库中未包含 urbackup,需从开发者提供的PPA(个人包存档)获取。添加并刷新后,安装服务器,并指定备份...
2.在esxi中"创建/注册虚拟机” -- “创建新虚拟机”-名称:windows server 2019, 客户机操作系统系列:windows, 客户机操作系统版本:Microsoft Windows Server 2019 x64-CPU: 8 , 内存:16GB, 硬盘:2000GB,CD/DVD驱动器1:urbackup_restore_2.4.2.iso(勾选:连接) 启动系统: 虚拟机启动,或者U盘物理机启动, ...
Step 3: Add a New Backup Client in Urbackup After successfully installing theUrBackupserver, the next item on the list is to add a client whose files and directories will be backed up on the server. To do this, click the ‘Add New Client‘ button. Urbackup Add New Client On the page...
Urbackup Windows服务端的许可配置界面里能够配置“允许客户端侧配置备份组件”、“允许客户端侧启动组件备份”。 How to setup: Install the client with tray icon on the Windows Server. Afterwards click on the tray icon and select "Configure components to backup": 具体需要备份哪些组件需要在客户端设置。
UrBackup is a client/server backup tool that supports image backups as well as file backups. It is available for both Linux and Windows operating systems. A prominent feature of this backup system is that it never interrupts the current working of your system rather the backups are created ...
UrBackup is an Open Source client/server backup system that functions via a combination of image and file backups to accomplish data safety and a fast restoration time.
or number of backups and can take a look at logfiles of their backups Next to no configuration. Install, select the directories you want to backup and watch it backup Client warns if there was no backup for some time Webinterface that shows the status of the clients, current activities an...
UrBackupClientGUI.vcxproj.filters add_new_messages.bat backup-bad.ico backup-indexing.ico backup-no-recent.ico backup-no-server.ico backup-ok.ico backup-progress-pause.ico backup-progress.ico build_client.bat build_msi.bat capa_bits.h
http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:55414 05 第三步:连接客户端 3-1. 点击屏幕右下方的 “Add new client”(添加新客户端): 3-2. 点击 “Add new Internet client/client behind NAT”,并输入新客户端的名称: 这是新客户端的主机名。 3-3. 安装客户端。