Moon square Uranus natal makes you erratic, touchy, impulsive, and subject to sudden mood changes.An almost compulsive need for stimulation can lead to a fascinating life of change and peculiar events. Due to your eccentric behaviors and strongly independent nature, other people should find you ex...
You do have Moon square Neptune under half a degree. Reply MSSM on July 11, 2016 100/100. I have this one at 1’47” on my natal. Can’t thank you enough! A bit confused though right now. I(ascendant cancer) also have Mercury in my decan(3) and Mercury trine Mars in this ...
The Jupiter-Uranus predilection for seeing no limits, leaping before it looks and challenging the established order expressed through the filter of the rash, angry impetuousness of Aries and locked with the harsh, power-driven determination not to budge of the Saturn-Pluto square, offers a difficul...
Normally I don’t address other current aspects at a New or Full Moon, but Pallas quincunx and Venus square Sedna suggest athreat to what we care about via unwise or ill-advised Self-messaging.The instincts need modification, flawed as they are at present by one or more consuming fears or...
we experienced a brief taste of Uranus in Aries last summer. The situation in the summer of 2010 was a bit different because it was conjunct Jupiter in Aries making both square to Pluto in Capricorn. Now remember folks, a square is a hard challenge. So what was going on in your Life ...
Both planets square my MC and IC. Even as a 7 year old I was drawn to esoterica and was determined to study it when I was old enough. This is such a fascinating article Marjorie, as are the comments. Ava 13th January 2025 at 5:00 pm | Reply I, too, have Uranus in the 12th ...
Venus square or opposite Uranus person will need inordinate amounts of space and freedom in their relationships. These folk delight in pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in romantic unions. Venus Uranus hard Natal Aspects The same radical approach is seen in artists who have this positio...
In the Natal Chart WithSaturn forming a square to Uranus in the birth chart, there may seem to be more abrupt changes, shake-ups, or disruptions in your life than the average person, especially if an inner planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) is involved with the Saturn-Uranus...
Cafe Astrology explores the meaning or interpretation of Venus conjunct, sextile, trine, square, and opposition Uranus aspects in the natal chart.
On a personal level, Uranus can factor in when there are intense aspects to natal planets. If you've got Sun square Uranus in the birth chart, for example, constant upheaval as you pursue your goals leads you to be flexible and go with the flow. Many insights come from looking at the...