Being that Uranus is the only planet, other than Venus, which is in the opposite rotation of the earth, the retrograde is a planetary slowdown that allows us to understand matters on a deeper level. Now, we can understand why global growth and advancement are important instead of just doing...
Uranus Retrograde Meaning Uranus retrograde is a cycle lasting 155 days yearly in which the planet moves four degrees backward through the zodiac. This is a time of inner change in response to external changes or in preparation for future changes in your life. Any transits that Uranus makes to...
astrology,My Daily Astrology Diary,The Astro Essence,The Daily Word image,Uranus retrograde ‘The Shrine’ 1895 John William Waterhouse {{PD}} By today, the3rd,Uranus is retrogradeat its position late in Aries. Unless this turnaround directly aspects a natal body or point you’re not likely ...
Uranus (meaning "sky" or "heaven") was the primal Greek god personifying the sky. His equivalent in Roman mythology was Caelus. In Ancient Greek literature, Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. According to Hesiod's Theogony, Uranus was conceived by Gaia al...
In contrast, Uranus—like Venus—rotates in the retrograde direction. The axis of rotation of Uranus lies nearly in the orbital plane, forming an angle of 98° with a line perpendicular to the orbit. Because of its great distance from the sun, Uranus receives very little light and heat ...
And if you like my writing, there are many articles on the broad themes of“…mystery, meaning, pattern and purpose…”to be found on my main blog :Writing from the Twelfth House. Astrology: Questions and Answers,now an archive, is well-stocked with articles on a wide range of astrologic...
and traditions in your life at this time. There can be a hectic, chaotic feel to this time period. A Uranus transiting square to natal Saturn can last anywhere from one month to a year depending on whether transiting Uranus retrogrades back over Saturn, in which case there are usually thre...
This entry was posted in Forecasts and tagged Mars-Uranus aspects, mundane astrology, Sun in Leo, Uranus-Pluto square, Venus retrograde on July 21, 2015. Weekly Forecast July 6: Sun Opposes Pluto, Mercury Enters Cancer Begonias. © Pat Paquette, 2015. We’re still in the glow of the...
2010 while still in retrograde status. All the same, we experienced a brief taste of Uranus in Aries last summer. The situation in the summer of 2010 was a bit different because it was conjunct Jupiter in Aries making both square to Pluto in Capricorn. Now remember folks, a square is a...
Posted inAstrology,Auspicious Days,Retrogrades,The Temple of the Sun,Uranuson January 20, 2015 by themagickalpen Sun in Aquarius 4:44 am (EST) New Moon in Aquarius 7:59 am (EST) Waters flow within the Circuitry of electric form