Mean distance from sun: 2870 million km; period of revolution around sun: 84 years; period of axial rotation: 17.23 hours; diameter and mass: 4 and 14.5 times that of earth respectively Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 Uranus (yû-ray -nŭs, ...
(Celestial Objects) one of the giant planets, the seventh planet from the sun, sometimes visible to the naked eye. It has 27 satellites, a ring system, and an axis of rotation almost lying in the plane of the orbit. Mean distance from sun: 2870 million km; period of revolution around ...
Uranus definition: the planet seventh in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 32,600 miles (56,460 km), a mean distance from the sun of 1,784 million miles (2,871 million km), a period of revolution of 84.07 years, and 15 moons.. See exam
Whether your revolution was based on ignorance or the innocence of youth, Uranus retrograde will bring higher self-awareness and insights about the error of your ways. A period of less chaotic internal changes should follow. Uranus Retrograde 2024 Uranus stations retrograde on Sunday, September 1,...
Have you wondered about the significance of Uranus in astrology? Learn about Uranus astrology and what this planet in the birth chart means.
Saturn is the planet that held domain over the entire solar system until 1781 CE, the period of both the French and American revolutions, inaugurating the Industrial Revolution and involved the whole of western civilization as it was then. Prior to that era, social life existed within the bound...
telescope. Two other plates taken on March 1 confirmed the new discovery. Its distance from the planet is about 0.00082 astronomical unit, or 76,500 miles, which implies that its period of revolution is about 31 hours.doi:10.1038/10.1038/161637d0Nature...
Just a few things to take note of during this retro period. Technically Uranus gained retro status on the 19th, but it remained stationary until the 23rd. I like to look at the point a body retrogrades for the picture it presents in relation to other bodies, making a kind of birth char...
establishment. Back in 1781 when Uranus was discovered, this was time period of the Romantic movement, which had everything to do with artistic, literary, musical and intellectual thoughts, talents, skills and interests. The Romantic movement also emphasized freedom of expression, individuality and ...
its distance from the Sun varies comparatively little over its nearly 164-year period of revolution. Although thedwarf planetPluto’smean distance from the Sun is greater than Neptune’s, its orbit is soeccentric(elongated) that for about 20 years of each revolution Pluto is actually nearer the...