ARIES, the planet Uranus leaves your own sign May 15, 2018, to spend approximately the next eight years in Taurus, your money sign. In some ways, this is good news – it means the tension, stress and “nerves” of the past 7 years dissolve (although you might still need to eradicate ...
Uranus in Taurus And Your Zodiac Sign Uranus first moved into Taurus on May 15, 2018. For the first time since 1942! After a short retrograde in Aries, Uranus then moved back into Taurus on March 6, 2019 (where it stays until 2026). So how will this rare transit affect YOUR zodiac s...
Uranus entered Taurus on May 15, 2018, and will remain here through April 27, 2026, with the exception of a quick dip into Gemini from July to November of 2025. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was from 1934 to 1941. Uranus in Taurus is currently shaking up our most unshakable ...
This is what Uranus does and will do, only now it is doing it under the sign of Taurus. Remember again what the squeezing effects of Uranus in Aries did FOR YOU. It should be 'for you' and not 'to you'. Uranus in Aries brought a me, me, me, look at yourself type of energy...
Since its arrival in Taurus back in May, we are in for a real treat the coming years (transiting Taurus until 2026), signaling massive change to our system and reality as we know it (to say the least). Excellent depiction on archetypal energy byChani Nicholas: ...
“When the roots are deep, there is no need to fear the wind.” –Unknown Read More: Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026 Predictions for Uranus in Taurus The Uranus Opposition: The Midlife Crisis STAY CONNECTED
Full Moon in Taurus/Gemini November 29/30, 2020 By Maharani Rutan© As the seasonal frost is due to cover the grasses of those living in the northern states through its Frosty moon. The southerners will finally get to see their own delights of flowers that blossom through Flower moon jus...
Taurus,LeoScorpio By association, Aquarius is your brother. This means you could very well have Aquarius and Pisces somewhere in your chart and you will be indirectly affected. Mercury will cause disturbances in the characters of Taurus. You are the most considerate sign and often put on a mas...
Hey Kate, I have Uranus in Taurus transitting in my 9th house and will be squaring my sun in the 12th just wondering what your experiences were. Reply Kate on August 16, 2020 Hi Chris, this transit, as well as Saturn opposing my Sun, has been pretty difficult and challenging for me...
With her exact Sun/Uranus conjunction in the first degree of Cancer, she is every bit as Uranian as Trump - but in a different, much more selfless way; with her emphasis on Cancer and Taurus she is a bit of a Uranian Ceres figure - she can both make the crops bountiful or salt ...