Uranus, God of the Sky, in Astrology/Zodiac Cafe Astrology explores the meaning of Uranus in the birth chart, in houses, and signs.
Chart of the momentThe Planets: Uranus by Dana Gerhardt It was circle time at Branden's play gym. As the kids huddled together on the mat, one of the four-year-olds stood outside the group, clearly troubled. When the teacher asked what was wrong, nearly in tears the boy said "There...
Discover the meanings of Pluto in the signs, Neptune in the signs, and Uranus in the signs. FacebookLikePinTweetEmailPrint Search Site Menu: Astrology Reports Birth Chart Interpretations Horoscopes & Forecasts Astrology Forecasts & Trends Astrology Articles Astrology of Love & Intimacy Ask Annie Fa...
In the Composite Chart Uranus sextile Neptune When Uranus and Neptune connect, we want to shake up the status quo. We can be visionary and inspired. In the Natal Chart With Uranus forming a sextile to Neptune in the birth chart, you’re open to raising consciousness and alternative ideas...
Uranus is in Aries from March 11, 2011 until March 6, 2019.In my world, in my head, I read birth dates. I only use the chart wheel to explain to you what I know about the dates. I don't read numbers like numerologists. A numerologist is not what I am or what I do, but I...
Planets in the Zodiac SignsDiscover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;TopLearn Astrology Uranus in the Zodiac Signs Uranus in Aries Uranus in Taurus Uranus in Gemini Uranus in Cancer...
house, aspects, position and direction.So assessing Uranus for its themes around astrologers and astrology, it makes more sense to look at the planetin this wayin your chart, as an astrology enthusiast reading this, rather than looking in your client’s birth charts unless they too are astrolo...
Venus Sextile Uranus Transit Venus sextile Uranus transit stimulates your need for fun and excitement in your social and love life. This is also a good time for your finances with the possibility of an unexpected windfall. If all alone during this transit, entertainment or creativity will satisf...
with the effect probably centered either in the House where it’s transiting or the House it rules in the natal chart. In one or both of those areas you can expect static that interferes with the intellect, with innovation or invention, that disrupts the flow of modern life, or that withd...
When Uranus makes a transit to any planet in your birth chart, that planet gets whooped upside the head. You're in for some cosmic surprises. Sometimes it's liberating, and other times you're thrown into utter chaos. If you've coasted along with a mild discontent, Uranus' visit amps ...