Basic Principles in U-Series Geochemistry 238 U decays to stable 206 Pb via a series of 伪 and 尾 decays. If the decay chain is undisturbed, it reaches a steady state called secular equilibrium, and the abundance of short-lived intermediate nuclides is then controlled by their half-lives. ...
Uranium-235 undergoes spontaneous fission during radioactive decay; however, no standard equation can represent this reaction as its results are quite unpredictable. Uranium-235 Decay Chain The decay chain of this radioactive metal is known as the Actinium Series with thorium-231 being the next isot...
In this paper, we show how the measurement of uranium-series isotopes in river water and suspended sediments over the past five years has been used to address these fundamental issues. In this article, we will focus on the following nuclides of the 238U decay chain: 238U, 234U, 230Th and...
Uranium-238 is the parent and uranium-234 one of the daughters in the radioactive uranium decay series; uranium-235 is the parent of the actinium decay series. See also actinoid element.The element uranium became the subject of intense study and broad interest after German chemists Otto Hahn ...
Soil-to-plant transfers of uranium series radionuclides in natural and contaminated settings 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 61 摘要: Uranium and related decay-chain radionuclides remain important subjects of study for a number of reasons. Uranium has the potential to be chemically toxic near ...
Depending on the origin of the phosphate rocks and the industrial process, DCP may contain significant amounts of ~(238)U and some of its decay chain daughters. Since ingestion is the most effective pathway of entry of radionuclides in organisms, we have investigated the presence of the ~(...
(Elements & Compounds) a radioactive silvery-white metallic element of the actinide series. It occurs in several minerals including pitchblende, carnotite, and autunite and is used chiefly as a source of nuclear energy by fission of the radioisotopeuranium-235. Symbol: U; atomic no: 92; atomic...
[118] 233U has been investigated for use as nuclear fuel as a possible alternative to 235U and 239Pu,[119] though is not in widespread use as of 2022.[118] The decay chain of uranium-233 forms part of the neptunium series and ends at nearly-stable bismuth-209 (half-life 2.01×1019...
Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.468 billion years over which time it decays into stablelead-206. This process can be used to date ancient rocks by comparing the ratio of the isotopelead-206, the last isotope in the uranium decay series, to the level of uranium-238 inthe sample of rock...
This computation is complicated by a continually changing fission product concentration, diffusion, and oxygen potential with irradiation and decay, as well as by very steep temperature gradients within the fuel (see Section 2.07.1). However, this type of analysis can account for (1) the O–U ...