The history of Southwest uranium mining, and on the Navajo Reservation specifically, has been told several times over the last few decades. Beginning with radium mines on the Colorado Plateau at the end of the nineteenth century, private mining ventures expanded to uranium and vanadium deposits in...
Commercial uranium mining on the Navajo Nation has subjected communities on tribal lands in the Southwestern United States to exposures from residual environmental contamination. Vascular health effects from these ongoing exposures are an active area of study. There is an association between residential m...
For some, however, the struggle continues, and members of the Navajo Nation succeeded in banning all uranium mining and processing on their lands, an effort made possible by the overwhelming evidence that mining facilities were damaging the health of locals. “The Navajo Nation, which also borders...
In 2013, the Navajo Nation told another uranium producer that it would deny access to a ranch that surrounded a parcel of Arizona state trust land where the company planned to mine. At the time, the tribe cited a 2005 law that banned uranium mining on its lands and another 2006 law that...
Declaration of the Indigenous World Uranium Summit (Window Rock, Navajo Nation, USA; 2 December 2006). 32. Now the Inuit Circumpolar Council. 33. ICC Resolution on a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone, Point 4 (adopted 1983)...
But, at the center of the reservation, the Midnite Mine remains a festering wound. TO GET THERE, drive up a dirt road, past weathered, metal-sided buildings littered with debris left from the mining days. Higher on the mountain, massive piles of ore remain. ...
Those supporting the ban have pointed to the legacy of death and disease on the nearby Navajo Nation, the country’s largest American Indian reservation, from Cold War-era uranium mining. Without the science, the concern is “just opinion,” said Jan Balsom, senior adviser to the Grand Canyon...
Happy Cly and the Unhappy History of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Reservationdoi:10.1093/envhis/emr146Marsha Weisiger
Several federal agencies met most of their targets in a five-year plan to clean up certain abandoned uranium mines and uranium processing sites on the Navajo reservation, a Government Accountability Office report released May 5 said. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Department, the ...
PERHAPS NOWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES is the impact of nuclear disaster more acute than on the Navajo reservation, a 26,000-square-mile expanse that covers parts of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico and is home to about 250,000 people. "The rez," as locals call it, is pockmarked with more ...