if (reading_mode == 1 && rotaryState != ROTARY_WAIT) { if (rotaryState == ROTARY_RIGHT) { xW = xW + 6; if (xW > OLED_DISPLAY_WIDTH) { xW = OLED_DISPLAY_WIDTH; } } else if (rotaryState == ROTARY_LEFT) { xW = xW - 6; if (xW < 6) { xW = 6; } } oled_...
if (timesUpOrNot(buzzerTime, 1000) && emergency_flag == EMER_WAIT) { buzz_first = 0; blink_red = 0; blink_blue = 0; playNote(pitch, 500); Timer0_Wait(1); buzzerTime = getTicks(); } playNote() simply uses PWM to turn the BLUE led on and off in a fixed periodic duration,...
there are only 2 chapters in the whole of book 4 which, from a craftsmanship point of view, weren’t harder than thehardestchapter in any of the earlier three books, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
all UC Davis police officers have completed training in active shooter/rapid response and related equipment has been purchased. While it was once standard for law enforcement to set up a perimeter and wait for a specially trained and equipped SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team to arrive, ...
Edith know it’s time for her bath and we haveDaily Fight Number 4. This fight tends to go on for a very long time because she knows the end is in sight and she has nothing more to lose. And indeed shortly after bath, it is time for bed, andDaily Fight Number 5. But wait!