商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Business,Economics & Law) 科学院(Faculty of Science) 工程学、建筑学及资讯科技学院(Faculty of Engineering,Architecture and Information Technology) 健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences) 天然资源、农学及兽医学院(Faculty of Natural Resources,Agriculture & Veterinary Science...
各学院亦附设各类科学研究中心。 文学院(Faculty of Arts) 商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Business,Economics & Law) 科学院(Faculty of Science) 工程学、建筑学及资讯科技学院(Faculty of Engineering,Architecture and Information Technology) 健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences) 天然资源、农学及兽医学院(...
The School of Economics requires the following documentation for all applications: Official transcripts of previous studies Curriculum Vitae (CV) Cover letter - in addition to a brief statement explaining your motivation for applying, please provide details of the textbooks you have used in your ...
BusinessSchool 211985优先其它85加权 法律硕士International Commercial Law(1.5年)[4] *IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6 Master of Commerce majoring in applied finance my.uq.edu.au/informatio 评分标志 5 Credit 语言要求[5]Bridging English(515澳元/周)[6]入学[7] 硕...
商科(Business School) 无论大家是那一个专业的,都有一个选课的原则,从“1”开头的课开始选,(比如想学一门会计,有两门课:ACCT 1101, ACCT 2101,在这种时候一定要先学ACCT 1101),另外就是注意选课的时候有没有 prerequisite(第一年第一学期没有...
of Business,EconomicsLaw)昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Business School)为澳大利亚第一所获得AACSB认证的大学商学院,并获得EQUIS认证。2010年与哈佛大学商学院(HBS)出版社签署合作协议。UQ商学院师生与哈佛商学院师生完全相同教材的完整使用权。昆士兰大学是澳洲第一所也是唯一一所与哈佛签署该项协议的大学。
昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Business School)是澳大利亚首个获得世界两大商学院组织AACSB和EQUIS认证的商学院。学院的各学科之间实力比较平均,在金融,会计,国际贸易,市场营销等方向都属于澳洲顶级。昆士兰大学作为昆士兰州最顶尖的高校,获得政府支持...
//hls.harvard.edu/today/decision-to-withdraw-from-the-u-s-news-world-report-process/Dean Gerken: Why Yale Law School Is Leaving the U.S. News & World Report Rankings, November 16, 2022, https://law.yale.edu/yls-today/news/dean-gerken-why-yale-law-school-leaving-us-news-world-report...
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medical-school.uq.edu.au 0.32% 0.79% 2.1 medicine.uq.edu.au 0.16% 0.77% 1 habs.uq.edu.au 0.19% 0.69% 1 centre.uq.edu.au 0.15% 0.63% 1 business.uq.edu.au 0.12% 0.55% 1 careers.uq.edu.au 0.14% 0.51% 1 alumni.uq.edu.au 0.2% 0.48% 2 exams.uq.edu.au 0.09% 0.47% 1 campus...