The School of Economics requires the following documentation for all applications: Official transcripts of previous studies Curriculum Vitae (CV) Cover letter - in addition to a brief statement explaining your motivation for applying, please provide details of the textbooks you have used in your ...
商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Business,Economics & Law) 科学院(Faculty of Science) 工程学、建筑学及资讯科技学院(Faculty of Engineering,Architecture and Information Technology) 健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences) 天然资源、农学及兽医学院(Faculty of Natural Resources,Agriculture & Veterinary Science...
文学院(Faculty of Arts) 商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Business,Economics & Law) 科学院(Faculty of Science) 工程学、建筑学及资讯科技学院(Faculty of Engineering,Architecture and Information Technology) 健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences) 天然资源、农学及兽医学院(Faculty of Natural Resources,Agric...
推荐专业:Master of Computer Science 均分要求:211均分75,双非均分78; 语言要求:雅思6.5,单项不低于6 2. 商业,经济与法律学部(Faculty of Business, Economics & Law) 昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Business School)在2010年中旬与美国哈佛大学商学院(HBS)出版社签署合作协议。UQ商学院师生自此享有与哈佛商学院师生完全相...
近日,有网友投稿爆料称,一位UQ的中国留学生于上周末(7月14日)在图书馆晕倒后被紧急送往医院救治,但最终还是不幸死亡。 经过了解,这名来自UQ的学生是参加了Summer School,交换至英国敦伦政治经济学院(London Schoolof Economics and Political Science),并在该学校的图书馆内晕倒,事后该学校的学生收到了由校方发出的...
校拥有社区经济发展学院(School of Community Economics Development)、文学院(School of Liberal Arts)、商学院(School of Business)及教育学院(School of Education),为学生提供从副学士学位到博士学位涵盖教育、商业、文科和旅游管理等领域50多个专业的课程。 补充材料: 南新罕布什尔大学入学要求: 一、雅思要求: 1、...
of Business,EconomicsLaw)昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Business School)为澳大利亚第一所获得AACSB认证的大学商学院,并获得EQUIS认证。2010年与哈佛大学商学院(HBS)出版社签署合作协议。UQ商学院师生与哈佛商学院师生完全相同教材的完整使用权。昆士兰大学是澳洲第一所也是唯一一所与哈佛签署该项协议的大学。
SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ISSN 1832-8741 Discussion Paper No. 3 An Investigation of the Magnitude of Educational Disadvantage Amongst Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Minority Groups in Australia by Steve Bradley, Mirko Draca, Colin Green and Gareth Leeves August 2005 LABOUR ECONOMICS RESEARCH GROUP (LERG) DIS...
在必修课中ECON7021 The Macroeconomy, ECON7110 Consumer and Firm Behaviour, ECON7200 Economics of Financial Markets,课程设置较为简单,同学们可以合理安排每学期的课程难度,难易相间比较好。 1. FINM7401 Finance 这门课主要是为没...
Researchers from UQ’s Global Change Institute and School of Economics Energy Economics and Management Group will help NQBP identify suitable sites for introducing possible solar, wind and tidal energy plants at the proposed Dudgeon Point coal terminals, south of Mackay. The research group will also...