2. Master of Applied Econometrics 2年 3. Master of Economics 2年 4. Master of Economics and Public Policy 2年 5. Master of Health Economics 2年 6. Master of International Economics and Finance 2年 7. Master of Business 2年 8. Master of Business Administration (MBA) 1年 9. Master of...
但是由于篇幅问题,我写完MCom的时候已经发现八千字刹不住车了,所以本篇仅介绍MCom的内容,其他Master of Commerce,Master of Intern'l Econ & Finance,Master of Business,Master Applied Econometrics,Master of Economics别慌!大腿还在...
Master of Business Administration (Finance) 课程长度:1.5年 开课时间:2/7/11月 学费:24,950澳币/年(2018) 入学要求:本科学士证(工商专业)+2年工作经验 语言要求: a minimum ofIELTS 6.5 or equivalent. Master of Business and Innovation (Finance) 课程时间:1.5年 开学时间:2月,7月,11月 学费:24,950...
工商管理研究生文凭Graduate Diploma of Business Administration 工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士(高阶)Master of Business Administration (Advanced) 工商管理硕士&国际项目管理硕士Master of Business Administration & Master of Global Project Management 全球项目管理硕士和公共卫生硕士Master of...
master of business administration EMBA: executive master of business administration 高级经理工商管理硕士 MPA: 公共管理硕士 master of public administration MODEM: 调制解调器 modulator=demodulator NMD: 国家导弹防御系统 national missile defense OTC: Over the counter 非处方药 PDA: 个人数字助理 ...
Master of Business Administration 金融工程(1年制,3月开学) Master of Financial Engineering 博士(PhD)(5年制) 面向人群:本科及以上学历 可选研究方向: 会计,商学&公共政策,财经,管理&组织, 市场营销,地产 学院文化——四条原则 哈斯商学院寻找能够表现出以下四种特点的学生: ...
Determinants of Commercial Banks Profitability: An Empirical Study on Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia Msc Thesis submitted to College of Business and Economics of Addis AbabaUniversity in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of the degree ofMaster Science in Accounting and Finance Program...
"Accounting Principles" set out the main accounting basic theory, basic methods and basic skills is that students are learning "Financial Accounting" and "financial management" and other professional courses in the pilot, is to learn to master the basic knowledge of accounting, the accounting ...
For example, it might state "Bachelor of Science in Computer Science" or "Master of Business Administration." Date of Graduation: The date when the student officially graduated or completed the degree requirements is included on the certificate. Signatures: Typically, the certificate is signed by ...
so that the issue of airspace restriction in Hainan can be hopefully solved; with the master plan approved in May 2013, Qionghai Boao Airport with a total floor area of 2,732 acres has started the construction of the foundation works in the resettlement area, and is expected to be comprehen...