点击右上角的MY.UQ 接着点击Programs and Courses 这里可以按照不同的索引方式 点击选择自己需要了解的学习方向 我们这里拿Master of Business(32 units) 这个学位举例 01 选择点击所在的faculty 02 点击选择Business(32 units) 03 根据course list和requirements选择 尤其是Program requirements 大家一定先熟悉 官网有非...
例如,BM大专业要修16个Units,点击“Core Course”可以查看必修课(图五)。 7️⃣ 小专业也要修16Units,点击“Major”可以看到BM下所有小专业,选择你的小专业,可以查看必修课(图六)。 8️⃣ 剩余的16个学分可以选修或修第二专业。点击“Second Major or General Elective Courses”可以查看第二专业或选修...
进入Program界面后,除了Course Requirement,还有其他重要信息可以查看。点击【What you can study】,然后找到【Course and Requirement】这一栏。 第五步:详细了解课程结构 🏫 以【Bachelor of Commerce】为例,你需要完成16 units(8 courses)的Program必修课;16 units(8 courses)的Major必修课;以及16 units(8 course...
在my.UQ页面,点击【Programs and Courses】,选择你的专业和课程,仔细查看Program requirements。对于Master of Business(32 units),首先选择faculty,然后点击Business(32 units),根据course list和requirements选择课程。注意,必修课程通常都是专业基础课,建议不要跳过。四、Preference List的确认 选择课...
1-year degree (16 units of studyIf you have relevant prior learning or experience, you can reduce the number of courses you need to complete and graduate in less time.To be eligible to complete the degree in 1 year full-time (only available as full-time study), you'll need: an ...
Compulsory and Elective courses 必修课和选修课 大多数学位都包括必修课和选修课。请注意每门课程的prerequisite(先决条件)和incompatible courses(不兼容课程)。如果你不确定,请查阅course list和program rules,或与你所在的faculty联系。 *根据签证条件要求,国际学生每学期需要修4门课(8 units)以确保在COE有效期内完...
(2 units) 财务会计(2学分)Auditing (2 units)审计学(2学分)Corporate Accounting (2 units)企业会计(2学分)Financial Statement Analysis (2 units)财务报表分析(2学分)Management Accounting and Control (2 units)管理会计与控制(2学分)完整课程列表可参考官网:https://my.uq.edu.au/programs-courses...
- 23 JulyACADEMIC INFORMATIONLanguage of instruction English Number of hours per week per course Usually 3 contact hours per week per course Number of weeks of study 16 weeks (including exams) Number of required courses Minimum 6 units (3 courses) per semester to maintain student visa status. ...
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The art of debating is an ancient practice that is still frequently performed in contemporary social, business, and political interactions. It is a valuable skill that requires several techniques taught in Academic English units, including the use of critical thinking, application of formal language,...