XLPE PROXLPE Insulation For Piping Y-STRAINERFiltration for In-line Plumbing Systems Air Admittance ValveNegative Pressure Elimination Valve for Sewage Basin TrapHygienic Basin Trap Back Flow Preventer ValveValve to Restrain Backwater Gully TrapExtension of Drainage pipe to restrict escape of... ...
Nanyi is a professional manufacturer of butterfly valve,pipe fittings,upvc industrial pipe,cpvc industrial pipe.We offer high-quality products at competitive prices.
Siffo pipe company has first-class production equipment and advanced detection equipment , has accumulated a large number of professional and technical elites, specializing in R & D, production and sales of plastic pipe products, metal products and rubber pr...
玻纤增强聚丙烯FRPP管、PP管、抗静电阻燃塑料管系列塑料管;三通、弯头、阀门、系列管件。 施大福经理 13805298590 产品推荐 PVC管 农村旱厕改造定制管 排水管 PVC管离线集中自动包装线 渭南PVC管发泡专用连体之架 2025年PVC管和CPVC管市场分析与前景展望报告 ...
PVC has the smoothest flow surface of any piping material.The pipe will not be susceptible to blockages and will maintain a high flow capacity over the life of the pipeline.Specification: A plastic sewer system costs less to operate and maintain because it has greater flow capacit...
System: PVC pipe systemScope: Drainage pipe system can be used for road drains, agricultural, railway, airport, construction and public green. PVC has the smoothest flow surface of any piping material.The pipe will not be susceptible to blockages and will maintain a high flow capacity over ...
PVC pipe machine commonly together with the mixer DYHL series mixer adopts PLC control, which combined machine unites mainly used batching , mixing, coloring and drying for various resins. This unit has combined the technolo...
公司主页://qiyuanpipe.cn.makepolo.com 查看更多 黄山琦源塑管阀门有限公司 进入公司首页 黄山琦源塑管阀门有限公司是黄山市(2005)57号文件颁发后,经市商务局引进的招商引资企业。公司坐落在人力资源和电力资源都十分丰富的黄山 (徽商故里)省级经济开发区,东临江浙沪,西接赣鄂湘,有铁路、民航和6条高速公路...
Siffo pipe company has first-class production equipment and advanced detection equipment , has accumulated a large number of professional and technical elites, specializing in R & D, production and sales of plastic pipe products, metal products ...