{"error":"UPSTREAM_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE","error_description":"UPSTREAM SERVICE UNAVAILABLE","code":106133} 0 + XP #40 October 2023 Options bang_do_buck ★★★ Newbie {"error":"UPSTREAM_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE","error_description":"UPSTREAM SERVICE UNAVAILABLE","code":106133} w...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":10264111,"subject":"Upstream Service Unavailable (game won't launch)","id":"message:10264111","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":361,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:5086431"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"For...
503 Service Unavailable 是一个 HTTP 状态码,表示服务器当前无法处理请求。这通常是一个临时状态,意味着服务器由于维护或过载而暂时无法提供服务。客户端(例如浏览器)可以在稍后重试请求。 "no healthy upstream" 错误的常见原因 "no healthy upstream" 错误通常出现在使用反向代理(如 Nginx)或负载均衡器的环境中。
In version 3.9.1 apisix, multiple ingress controllers are deployed in the same K8S cluster, corresponding to the same set of etcds, and consul is used for service discovery, and some apisix pods are forwarded after rolling updates, and the upstream node is considered unavailable and thus 503 ...
Yesterday i was playing the game (Dragon age 2) just fine but today when i tried to launch it i got this error saying Upstream service unavailable on origin. I tried opening up for mass effect andromeda and dragon age inquisition and they both ran just fine. I've also tried ...
{"error":"UPSTREAM_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE","error_description":"UPSTREAM SERVICE UNAVAILABLE","code":106133} 0 + XP #43 October 2023 Options babciavs ★★★ Novice When I launch the game, EA return this - {"error":"UPSTREAM_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE","error_description":"UPSTREAM ...
Upstream Service Unavailable (game won't launch) Caseena 5 years ago Solved I was able to play Jedi Fallen order before 2-3 hours ago but with that pop-up its not launching About Origin for Mac