Downstream Relating to or situated in the part of a stream or river closer to its mouth. The factory was located downstream to utilize water flow for cooling. 7 Upstream In computing, related to the direction of data transmission from a client to a server. Upstream bandwidth is crucial for ...
Since water flow transports certain local conditions downstream and individuals navigate river networks upstream and downstream, impacts of local perturbations can manifest elsewhere in the system, and overall effects of disturbances should be assessed on a network level. We study a model for a pota...
Downstream benefits vs upstream costs of land use change for water-yield and salt-load targets in the Macquarie Catchment, NSW The net present value (NPV) of downstream economic benefits of changes in water-yield (W) and salt-load (S) of mean annual river flow received by a lower c......
In this paper we investigate the TCP upstream/downstream unfairness issue over the 802.11 wireless LAN with per-flow queueing employed at the access point. The interactions between 802.11 MAC protocol and TCP are evaluated through analysis and simulation. Based on the derived analytical model, an ...
downstream connection and skeletonize the upstream model, either manually or using WaterGEMS’ Skelebrator tool. In most cases, many small pipes carrying very little flow can be eliminated without seriously affecting model accuracy. Nevertheless, if the model is skeletonized, the c...
The meaning of UPSTREAM is in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream. How to use upstream in a sentence.
The watercourse of the northwest lake is the dominant source of upstream inflow, contributing 60–80% of the total inflow. The downstream river is the watercourse below Xin'anjiang Dam. The four sub-lakes and downstream river were sampled at points along transects (see Supplementary Fig. ...
Five upstream steps and four downstream steps with different curvature radii were studied. The curvature radii of these steps of R = 1.64D, 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D were used. The film cooling effectiveness (η) of these steps was investigated and compared with experiment. The near-field flow ...
Acoustic streaming interaction is shown to be significantly greater for upstream than for downstream propagation. 关键词: Acoustic Propagation Flow Geometry Pipe Flow Solid Propellant Rocket Engines Boundary Layers Combustion Chambers Energy Dissipation Energy Transfer Propagation Modes Signal Analysis DOI: ...
Versions of Apache Airflow Providers No response Deployment Official Apache Airflow Helm Chart Deployment details using KEDA What happened Somehow, downstream task ends in state 'upstream failed' even though the upstream task retried and succeeded. What you expected to happen "upstream failed" should...