在Nginx配置中遇到错误消息 nginx: [emerg] "upstream" directive is not allowed here 通常意味着 "upstream" 指令被放置在了错误的上下文中。下面,我将根据提供的提示,分点解答你的问题,并包含必要的代码片段来佐证回答。 1. 确认Nginx配置文件的位置 Nginx的配置文件通常位于 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 或/etc/ngi...
当设定好 upstream 如下: upstream backend { server backend1.example.com weight=5; server backend2.example.com:8080; server unix:/tmp/backend3;} 执行命令:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload 时 报错如下: [emerg]: "upstream" directive is not allowed here in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.c...
因为临时需要在本机搭建一个nginx服务使用,其实很简单的一个本地server,但是运行的时候就报错: 192:~superstar$ nginxnginx: [emerg]"upstream"directive is not allowed herein/usr/local/nginx/conf/conf.d/test.com.conf:1192:~ superstar$ 检查了我的配置文件 test.com.conf 发现也没有问题: upstream a_pla...
执行命令:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload 时 报错如下: [emerg]: "upstream" directive is not allowed here in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:52 后来检查了一下原来是upstream backend 位置放错了, upstream位置应该放在http模块里面 但必须是在server模块的外面. 应该是下面这样的结构: http{ u...
配置完nginx,在启动的时候遇到如下问题: nginx: [emerg] "upstream" directive is not allowed here in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:7 配置nginx.conf,如下: upstream con { server; } 解决办法: upstream backend 位置放错了, upstream位置应该放在http模块里面 但必须是在server模块的外...
启动nginx 时报错,配置是安装视频的内容写的 # the upstream component nginx needs to connect to upstream django { # server unix:///path/to/your/mysite/mysite.sock; # for a file socket server; # for a web port socket (we'll use this first) } # configuration of the ...
╰─➤ sudo nginx -t nginx: [emerg] "upstream" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed ╭─pon@admini /etc/nginx ╰─➤ cat nginx.conf 1 ↵ upstream backend { server backend1.example.com; server backend...
I am following thisguideto installing wordpress with nginx and unit, Everything is going well until I verify the configuration, where it outputs this in the console: nginx: [emerg] "upstream" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf nginx: configuration file /etc/ngin...
Closed nginx: [emerg] "upstream" directive is not allowed here#269 Description binarykitchen opened on Feb 9, 2014 Hi there I used exactly these nginx instructions on my own server: http://doc.owncloud.org/server/6.0/admin_manual/installation/installation_source.html But nginx tests fail: ...
解决Zookeeper报错:conf is not executed because it is not in the whitelist的解决办法 2019-12-22 09:16 − 1.echo wchp | nc localhost 2181 ,通过路径列出服务器 watch 的详细信息,且它会输出一个与 session 相关的路径。但是出现下面的错误。 [root@xg61 conf]# echo wchp | nc localhost 2181...