日式菠萝反转蛋糕Pineapple upside-down cake的做法 先做焦糖液:白砂糖平铺锅底,中小火加热至琥珀色 加入黄油 黄油基本上融化后摆入菠萝片,我是用圆形切模切的,中间硬芯一定要去掉 背面也要均匀包裹焦糖 将煮好的菠萝片放入模具中,可以适当加一些焦糖液进去。我用的耐高温慕斯圆柱模具 海绵蛋糕:低筋面粉和泡打粉混合...
Upside-DownCake即翻转蛋糕,一般是指用烤模或煎盘制作并翻转过来食用的蛋糕。通常是用切片的水果,例如苹果、菠萝或者樱桃,锅底会有黄油和糖作为届时翻转过来的Topping。 图片来自网络 传统的翻转蛋糕有米国的菠萝翻转蛋糕、法国的焦糖苹果挞(Tarte Tatin)、巴西和葡萄牙的Bolo de ananas(模具不同)等。 顶厨雷蒙德·布...
【经典的菠萝翻转蛋糕 Pineapple Upside Down Cake】1.焦糖材料:黄油50g,浅色红糖150g,新鲜菠萝蛋糕材料:面粉195g,泡打粉2tsp,无盐黄油110g(室温),盐1/4 tsp,白糖180g,大号鸡蛋2枚,香草精适量,牛奶120ml,塔塔粉1/4 tsp(可选);2.首先烤箱预热180摄氏度;
Shingle the pineapple slices in 2 rows on top of the hot caramel down the length of the dish. Set aside. For the cake: Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl and set aside. Cream the granulated sugar and butter in the bowl of a stand mixer on medium ...
Looking for a cake that’s deceptively simple and decorates itself? Pineapple Upside-Down Cake is the way to go. Advertisement Ingredients Pineapple Layer: Nonstick cooking spray, for the cake pan 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) (56 grams) unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup (100 grams) light ...
Upside-DownCake即翻转蛋糕,一般是指用烤模或煎盘制作并翻转过来食用的蛋糕。通常是用切片的水果,例如苹果、菠萝或者樱桃,锅底会有黄油和糖作为届时翻转过来的Topping。 (图片来自网络) 传统的翻转蛋糕有米国的菠萝翻转蛋糕、法国的焦糖苹果挞(Tarte Tatin)、巴西和葡萄牙的Bolo de ananas(模具不同)等。
These pineapple upside down cake is a take on the most popular recipe. This taste delicious on its own or with a scoop of ice cream.
Find delicious recipes for classic pineapple upside-down cake, including versions with homemade cake and versions made with cake mix.
For the pineapple base: 4 tbsp butter 3/4 cup light brown sugar(减少糖量) 1 tbsp pineapple juice 1 tbsp dark rum 1/2 small pineapple, trimmed, sliced For the batter: 1/2 cup melted brown butter (works same w/ regular melted butter) ...
Cool cake on a rack 5 minutes. Loosen cake from pan edges and invert onto a heat-proof platter. NOTE: Refrigerate any leftover pineapple slices for a snack or, cut them to tuck between slices in pan for even more pineapple-y goodness. ...