There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the - 13431486 - 2
77-turn-y-axis-upside-down.html 78-levelplot-from-a-square-matrix.html 79-levelplot-with-ggplot2.Rmd 79-levelplot-with-ggplot2.html 81-barplot-with-variable-width.Rmd 81-barplot-with-variable-width.html 82-boxplot-on-top-of-histogram.Rmd 82-boxplot-on-top-of-histo...
There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the images resume their orginal position. ie Correct way up.What is going on? Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.1.0 20221206.r.166 be4691b x64 ...
There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the images resume their orginal position. ie Correct way up.What is going on? Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.1.0 20221206.r.166 be4691...
There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the images resume their orginal position. ie Correct way up.What is going on? Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.1.0 20221206.r.166 be4691b x...
There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the images resume their orginal position. ie Correct way up.What is going on? Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.1.0 20221206.r.166 be4691b x...
Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-perspective-warp-upside-down-2023/idi-p/13431486 Dec 19, 2022 Dec 19, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Copied There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is...
Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-perspective-warp-upside-down-2023/idi-p/13431486 Dec 19, 2022 Dec 19, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Copied There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is...
There seems to be an issue with Photoshop 2023, which the Perspective Warp tool makes the images appear upside down. It is only after approval that the - 13431486 - 2