smileyemoticonupside down (.-.) upside downupside down kaomojiupside down text emojiupside down text face ۵ heart kaomojilove kaomojiupside down kaomojiheartloveupside down ☠☠☠,🇾❌❌🇱🇧🤧🇨🇭 yursnksnsupside downgurllmfao ...
What is the meaning of the Upside-Down Face 🙃 in WhatsApp, Facebook and Co? Although it always depends on the context of the message, the smiley has a statement like “that was just a joke” or he points to an ambiguous statement (that’s why it is turned). This Emoji was ...
🙃- Upside-Down Face, reversed, Horror Clowns: opponent, Secret Service: command to change language A psychologist who returned from his work, wanted to buy 🍕 Pizza that was made of 🍟 Chips and 🍣 Sushi. After eating that Emoji started to 👀 only 🙃 Upside-Down Faces. Later ...