The triumph at such a family gathering lay in concealing your real feelings. But already this was unravelling. “Maybe we could sit down,” Fred said, raising his arms. “Everyone’s here.” Floyd began shaking nuts into his hand. “Why is it,” he said, as he rattled the nuts in ...
Cross-Asset Volatility:Implied volatilities fell across asset classes last week in a week in a holiday-shortened week, with the notable exception of gold. GLD 1M implied vol jumped over 2 pts to 13.4% as gold prices surged to a new all-time high. GLD skew inverted further, with 1M 25-d...
Real-time peer-to-peer communication, including video chat, should be among the compelling applications end-users adopt as all-IP 4G LTE wireless networks and two-camera smartphones proliferate. Cowen believes VHC’s intellectual property sits at the heart of that market opportunity, making connect...
Specifically, the paper looks at the legal impact of the growing real and virtual world currency exchange and extends this to the recent development of an in-world controlled adult technology.Ian W. GilliesGillies I "Real World Toys and Currency Turn the Legal World Upside Down: A Cross- ...
gingerbread apple upside-down cake November 23, 2009 Jump to comments I know everyone says that this whole early-baby thing “goes by so fast” and “blink and you’ll miss it” and I believed them, I really did. But I hadn’t prepared to take a bite of this cake last week and ...
But the little pieces of it that he has already shown are going to turn the game industry, and perhaps everything else, upside down. Daily insights on business use cases with VB Daily If you want to impress your boss, VB Daily has you covered. We give you the inside scoop on what...
The triumph at such a family gathering lay in concealing your real feelings. But already this was unravelling. “Maybe we could sit down,” Fred said, raising his arms. “Everyone’s here.” Floyd began shaking nuts into his hand. “Why is it,” he said, as he rattled the nuts in ...
“Your Life Turns Upside Down”: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Parents with Children Diagnosed with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome by Cristina García-Bravo 1, Domingo Palacios-Ceña 2,*, Elisabet Huertas-Hoyas 1, Jorge Pérez-Corrales 2, Sergio Serrada-Tejeda 1, Marta Pérez...