Indeed, the upshot of all this is that the mere fact that a reservation clause authorizes reservations to particular provisions of the treaty is not enough to “specify” these reservations within the meaning of article # subparagraph (b). However, the Court confines itself to requiring reservat...
This is reconstructed to be from Proto-Germanic*skutan(source also of Old Norseskutr, Old Frisianskete, Middle Dutchscote, GermanSchuß"a shot"), from PIE root*skeud-"to shoot, chase, throw." The Old English noun is related tosceotan"to shoot." The meaning "discharge of a bow, mi...
The meaning "discharge of a bow, missile," also is from related Old English gesceot. The noun was extended to other projectiles (balls, bullets) by mid-15c. Especially "lead in small pellets, a small ball or pellet," a number of which are combined in one charge, which is attested ...