SB ingestion elicits ergogenic effect by increasing the concentration of blood bicarbonate, a buffer that contribute to maintain extra- and (indirectly) intracellular p H11. In the stomach, SB glruaampstirdeinlcyairnceicadrcertaasspweisditlthyhehemypdpHrtoieocsfhitlnohtreoicgthaasectisrdmicta...
SB ingestion elicits ergogenic effect by increasing the concentration of blood bicarbonate, a buffer that contribute to maintain extra- and (indirectly) intracellular p H11. In the stomach, SB glruaampstirdeinlcyairnceicadrcertaasspweisditlthyhehemypdpHrtoieocsfhitlnohtreoicgthaasectisrdmicta...