a stomach upset 拉肚子 牛津词典 It had been the cause of much emotional upset. 那便是使人情绪一落千丈的原因。 牛津词典 After she died I felt very, very upset... 她去世之后,我非常非常难过。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Marta looked upset... 玛尔塔一副沮丧的模样。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The whole inc...
.)56. Eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can give you an upset stomach or can just make it difficult for your mind to turn off and for your body to fall into a relaxing sleep. You should eat a healthy meal to get a night of good sleep.()57. Your alarm may be the most ...
As we all know,drinking beers while running can upset the stomach.However,that's all part of the attraction of the Beer Mile, a unique race that has participants competing in running and drinking.The Beer Mile Race started off as a tradition in 1990,when a group of Canadians thought it ...
my period isnt supposed to start til sometime next week. but i've been bloated nonstop, had a lil constipation and diahrea, am hungry all the time, cranky, have weird bubbly feelings in my stomach, and several other things. i took a few tests and they're all negative, but if i am...
In fact, dogs with a mildly upset stomach really should be fasted. Why is that? Fasting gives the stomach time to normalize. Don’t worry. You can resume feeding your dog small meals after awhile. Be selective though! Cooked white rice and boiled chicken are great for this purpose. ...
The meaning of UPSET is to thicken and shorten (something, such as a heated bar of iron) by hammering on the end : swage. How to use upset in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Upset.
As we all know,drinking beers while running can upset the stomach.However,that's all part of the attraction of the Beer Mile,a unique race that has participants competing in running and drinking.The Beer Mile Race started off as a tradition in 1990,when a group of Canadians thought it wou...
Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. an upset stomachan illness in the stomach that makes you feel sick(= want tovomit)or havediarrhoea ...
Butterflies filled 49 stomach as I started to head towards the door. "Hi!" a 49 voice rose behind me. "I'm Martinez." "I'm Arizona," I said. "Why don't you 50 and play the game?" "But I don't 51 all the rules exactly. And my friend..." "It's OK. I'll teach you...
A:I sneeze a lot when I am around pollen,but that's all. 当我周围有花粉时,我会打很多喷嚏。但是也就是这些了。 B:How is your stomach? 你的胃怎么样? A:My stomach is very upset.I feel sick and drowsy,like I want to sleep all the time. ...