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list of all the optional subjects along with their syllabus. you can also check the upsc notification for the latest public administration syllabus for upsc. upsc public administration optional syllabus each paper is of 250 marks with a total of 500 marks. public administration optional is a ...
Continue reading “304 Marks: UPSC Sociology Topper 2021” → June 5, 2022 1 ARSENAL 2023-2024 | UPSC Sociology comprehensive course 83% of human learning occurs visually Imagine preparing UPSC Sociology through visual aids like animations, cartoons, mind maps etc. All this in addition to compr...
The combined marks scored in the Mains papers counted for merit and Interview will be taken into consideration for the final merit list. Interview The interview will carry 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks). The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a re...
Check List For The Candidates Attending UPSC Interview IAS Interview Syllabus: 6 Important UPSC Clues Which You Never Noticed Before ClearIAS UPSC CSE Interview Program: Maximize Your Personality Test Marks! Up to Which Rank Can An Aspirant Get Into IAS, IPS or IFS?
LIST OF BOOKS in UPSC COMPLETE NOTES CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US or SEND EMAIL TO : CONTACT@UPSCPORTAL.COM The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of Objective type (multiple choice questions) and carrying a maximum of 400 marks (200 marks each) . ...
Sir has successfully cleared the UPSC CSE Mains Examination in 2022 with Political Science and International Relations as his optional subject. Sir’s expertise lies in areas of Essay and GS Paper 2 where he has successfully scored 129 and 116 marks respectively. ... How did you feel when you heard the news that your name is on the final rank list? Can you share the moments of happiness with our readers? I was indeed happy and fortunate to be in the rank list and that too within the 100. But as human nature – which is inherentl...
Along with these five tips and tricks, it takes a strong desire to succeed, consistent practice, and some coaching. Apart from this, make sure you have all the required books because they can significantly change your journey to become a topper. Important UPSC Exam Tips 10 Tips to Develop...
NEW!(Getting Started) How to Score 310 Marks In Philosophy - K Aman Chandran (AIR-197) NEW!(Getting Started) UPSC IAS (Pre) Exam Books List - Suggested Reading NEW!(Getting Started) 10 Qualities Of A UPSC Topper NEW!(Getting Started) Crash Courses - are they Effective for UPSC Preparati...