UPSC Mains Syllabus for Optional Subjects Since the pattern change in UPSC Mains, candidates now have to choose only one optional subject. There are two papers based on the optional subject for a total of 500 marks (250 marks * 2 papers) which are counted for the merit ranking. ...
IAS Syllabus For UPSC Mains Optional Subjects: Candidates can check thesuccess rate of optional subjectsin the linked article. Aspirants looking for Topper’s excerpts and guidance as to which optional subject to opt for, they can visit theUPSC Toppers’ Optional Subjectspage and get the required...
UPSC Optional Syllabus The UPSC Public Administration Syllabus 2024 offers candidates an in-depth understanding of government operations, policy-making, organizational management, and ethical considerations. This optional subject, known for its relevance and direct applicability, attracts a large number of ...
The Public Administration syllabus for UPSC 2024 covers topics such as administrative theories, Indian administrative system, governance, public po...Read full Is a background in Public Administration required to choose it as an optional subject? No, a specific background in Public Administration is...
UPSC: Mathematics as an optional subject has gained popularity among UPSC aspirants in recent years. In this article, we have provided a detailed Mathematics optional syllabus for UPSC IAS Mains 2020 exam. By Sakshi Saroha Oct 19, 2020, 12:52 IST UPSC...
UPSC Mains Syllabus cover Subject-wise syllabus for GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, and Essay. Check UPSC 2025 Mains Syllabus PDF and Exam Pattern for the UPSC CSE Exam 2024.
Paper-VIIOptional Subject – Paper II250 UPSC Prelims SyllabusUPSC Mains Syllabus UPSC Syllabus Mains The Mains examination is the 2nd phase of the UPSC examination The Mains examination consists of 9 papers, out of 9, two papers are qualifying papers of 300 marks each ...
UPSC: History optional syllabus for UPSC IAS Mains exam is quite lengthy and diverse. If prepared well, the subject can help candidates score well in GS Paper I also. Check here the detailed syllabus of History optional subject for the UPSC Mains 2020 sy
Optional Subject - Paper 1250 Marks Paper-VII Optional Subject - Paper 2250 Marks Sub Total (Written test)1750 Marks Personality Test275 Marks Grand Total2025 Marks UPSC CSE Syllabus PDF Download Subjectwise UPSC Syllabus PDF Download in English ...
Optional subject chosen Attestation Form:The attestation form has to be filled with required details including residence, nationality education and has to be signed by a Gazetted officer before being submitted at the time of the interview.