UPSC CSE Syllabus: UPSC study materials for Civil Service Prelims & Mains at Unacademy. Free study materials for IAS, IPS, and IFS aspirants!
UPSC Syllabus 2024 is released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on its official website. UPSC Syllabus is divided into preliminary and main examinations. UPSC conducts the 3 stage exam for civil services recruitment, which are Prelims, Mains and Interviews. Also see: Videos & PDFs...
3. Rational Numbers & Ordering 4. Decimal Fractions 5. Simplification 6. Square Roots & Cube Roots 7. Surds & Indices 8. Ratio & proportion 9. Percentages 10. Averages 11. Set theory 12. Divisibility Rules 13. Remainder Theorem GENERAL COMPREHENSION (GC) (Domain/Topics for Passage) 1. Ec...
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ClearIAS Timetable and Study Plan:You will get a highly useful study plan to cover the UPSC Prelims syllabus multiple times within a short time. Subscribe to ClearIAS test series 2025 (40 mock tests) atRs.4999and get the premium benefits!
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The syllabus, for each section, is detailed on theUPSC website. The exam pattern has also been covered in an earlier article onHow to become an IAS Officer in India. Preparation Time and Number of Attempts for IAS exam As is evident from the vastness of the syllabus, the preparation time...
Syllabus for 2011 UPSC Aptitude Test for PrelimsPolity, Indian
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