result is actually also the UPSC 2022-23 final result declaring the final list of candidates that qualify for the Civil service exam and based on their category and rank they will be allotted different services like the IAS, IPS or IFS. The final Results were published on May 23, 2023. ...
N.B. (i) A candidate is required to specify clearly in the Online Application Form the Services for which he wishes to be considered in the order of his preference [1 to 4]. He is also advised to indicate as many preferences as he wishes to opt so that having regard to his rank in...
Earlier, data provided by Urban Local Bodies was used by the government to rank cities based on the four indices — the Ease of Living Index, Municipal Performance Index, Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework, and Data Maturity Assessment Framework. By 2030, about 60 crore (40% of the pop...
An attached office of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with full functional autonomy, NHA is governed by a Governing Board chaired by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare. It is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), an officer of the rank of Secretary to the Gover...