7Standard Textbook-based exams(subject-wise) 7Current Affairs exams(dedicated mock exams for current affairs) 18Full-Topic exams(which cover the whole UPSC syllabus) Extra Benefits (FREE) for ClearIAS Prelims Test Series Subscribers Apart from 40 online mock exams, you will also get a bundle of...
A subject of Bhutan, or A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 to permanently settle in India, or A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(formerly Tanga...
The UPSC Pre exam is meant to serve as a screening test only. Themarks of Paper 1 are alone considered for making the merit listfor this exam. Only those candidates who have qualified the Prelims can write the Mains exam. The marks scored in the Prelim exam is not counted in the final...
Create a study timetable that includes all important subject-wise topics for Paper 1. Do not adhere to a time-based study (such as studying for 12 hours daily). Instead, do a target-based research study (such as complete polity constitutional bodies within a day). Then candidates will have...
HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern 2024 Paper Subject Marks Questions Time Duration I General Studies 200 100 2 hours II General Studies (Aptitude Test) 200 100 2 hours Total 400 – – HPPSC HPAS Mains Syllabus A thorough comprehension of the syllabus is crucial for candidates preparing for gove...
UPSC Mains Syllabus cover Subject-wise syllabus for GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, and Essay. Check UPSC 2025 Mains Syllabus PDF and Exam Pattern for the UPSC CSE Exam 2024.