Salient Features of Free OnlineMock Test for UPSC Prelims 2023 The important highlights of the UPSC Online Test series are as follows: 100 important model questions with solutions Free online test Section-wise sorted questions In this article, aspirants will be provided two IAS Mock Tests. One,...
daily current affairs upsc notes pdf topic-wise ias prelims questions with solutions upsc previous year question papers 100 ‘difference between’ articles india consumer protection act, 2020 the india consumer protection act came into force on 20 july 2020, and replaced the older consumer protection...
40 online mock exams in the ClearIAS Prelims Test Series are briefly divided as below: 8 NCERT-based exams (subject-wise) 7 Standard Textbook-based exams (subject-wise) 7 Current Affairs exams (dedicated mock exams for current affairs) 18 Full-Topic exams (which cover the whole UPSC ...
of Questions Duration Type Negative Marks Nature General Studies Paper 1 200 100 2 hours Objective Yes Merit Ranking General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT) 200 80 2 hours Objective Yes Qualifying Subject-Wise Weightage & IAS Prelims Marks Distribution Overall-Subject 2020 2021 2022 2023 🌻Environment &...
I found geography the most challenging subject, and PMF notes were quite lucid and brought a lot of clarity which helped me both in prelims and mains. I did not refer to any other source other than PMF IAS in both my attempts, and their updation of material was also a big help. Th...
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I joined online GS Foundation Batch at Maluka IAS. Their Guidance helped me in Prelims, Mains & Interview. I am thankful to Maluka IAS for my selection in UPSC CSE 2023. Read More HIMANSHU JAIN AIR 4 The quality of questions and feedback by Maluka IAS is excellent. I would recommend Mal...
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Buddhist Councils is one of the most important topics for theUPSC IASexam. It covers a significant part of the Ancient History subject in theGeneral Studies Paper-1 syllabusandUPSC Prelims SyllabusGeneral Studies Paper-1. This article details all six Buddhist councils and their important texts for...