Negative Marking 1/3rd of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every incorrect answer Time Allotted Two hours each; GS Paper-I – 2 Hours (9:30 AM -11:30 AM) CSAT – 2 Hours (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM) UPSC Syllabus for Prelims UPSC Syllabus for MainsUPSC...
Q9. With reference to ancient South India, Korkai, Poompuhar and Muchiri were well known as (a) capital cities (b) ports (c) centers of iron-and-steel making (d) shrines of Jain Tirthankaras UPSC Prelims 2023 Answer: b Q10. Which of the fo...
upsc prelims prelims syllabus upsc prelims question paper 2023 csat csat questions upsc mains upsc mains syllabus general studies i upsc world history general studies ii general studies iii general studies iv upsc optional subjects essay topics previous years upsc mains answer writing practise ias ...
upsc prelims prelims syllabus upsc prelims question paper 2023 csat csat questions upsc mains upsc mains syllabus general studies i upsc world history general studies ii general studies iii general studies iv upsc optional subjects essay topics previous years upsc mains answer writing practise ias ...
This will give you an overview of the entire paper. Do not try to solve questions. Check out UPSC Question Papers Download UPSC Prelims 2023 Question Paper UPSC Prelims 2023 GS Paper-1 Download PDF UPSC Prelims 2023 GS Paper-II (CSAT) Download PDF How to Prepare for UPSC: Online videos ...
The UPSC CAPF AC Paper 1 is a qualifying test. The question paper consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for each incorrect answer. The exam pattern of UPSC CAPF AC is given below: ExamTypeSubjectMarksTime Paper 1 Objective General Ability & Inte...
It consists of three stages, Prelims, Mains and Interview. Students have to cross each stage to move onto to the next. The level of difficulty increases with each stage. The last stage can also be a tough nut to crack because the UPSC tests not only the aspirant's knowledge and ability...
A2 hourquestion paper as per the UPSC prelims exam norms. Based on new pattern of UPSC Exam(Negative Marking). Format of questions and topics are as per UPSC. New question paper every time you log in. You can choose to attempt any question first as in the real exam. ...
UPSC Geography Question paper last .. Frequently Asked Questions Which optional subject should I choose? What is our total fee ? Where are the exams held? When are the Prelims exams held? What is the purpose of the Prelims? How much of newspapers and magazines should I read? Which ...
Paper II (CSAT) is qualifying in nature with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%. One-third of the marks assigned for each question will be deducted as penalty for the wrong answers. The merit of the Candidates will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in Paper-I of the Prelimi...