(v) Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa. The following articles might help candidates who find it challenging to prepare for UPSC syllabus w.r.t language papers: How to Tackle UPSC Mains Compulsory Language PapersTips for the Compulsory Indian Language Paper – Hindi ...
Translation: (i) English to Compulsory Language (e.g. Hindi) – 20 marks and (ii) Compulsory Language to English – 20 marks Grammar and Usage of Basic Language – 40 marks. UPSC Optional Subjects For Mains Candidates can check the UPSC Mains Optional Paper list of subjects. Aspirants can...
UPSC Compulsory English Paper The objective of the paper is to test a candidate’s ability to read and understand serious descriptive prose and to express his ideas clearly and correctly. So, let’s understand the pattern of the English paper. ...
The HPPSC HPAS mains syllabus PDF is divided into eight papers, i.e., Paper I (English), Paper II (Hindi), Paper III (Essay), Paper IV (General Studies-I), Paper V (General Studies II), Paper VI (General Studies III), and Paper VII & VIII (Optional subject).TOPICS...
Study Kit : UPSC - IAS PRE (GS+CSAT) Solved Papers & Test Series Printed Study Material for IAS (UPSC) General Studies PRE Cum MAINS 65. Consider the following statements: 1. Appellate Tribunal for Electricity has been established by each State Government in India. ...
After the Prelims, the UPSC Mains exam tests candidates’ writing and analytical skills in nine papers: two compulsory (Hindi and essay), four General Studies (GS), one Essay, and two optional papers. Candidates can choose from 48 optional subjects to highlight their expertise. With each paper...