Negative Marking 1/3rd of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every incorrect answer Time Allotted Two hours each; GS Paper-I – 2 Hours (9:30 AM -11:30 AM) CSAT – 2 Hours (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM) Here, we have mentioned the UPSC Mains 2024 exam pattern...
UPSC Mains Syllabus cover Subject-wise syllabus for GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, and Essay. Check UPSC 2025 Mains Syllabus PDF and Exam Pattern for the UPSC CSE Exam 2024.
UPSC CSE Prelims 2024 Result: Is there any negative marking in the exam ? Yes, there will be negative marks for incorrect answers as below: There were four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer is marked by the candidate, 0.33 ...
Negative Marking1/3rd of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every incorrect answer Time Allotted Two hours each; GS Paper-I – 2 Hours (9:30 AM -11:30 AM) CSAT – 2 Hours (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM)
NEW!(Getting Started) Important Exam Day Guidelines For UPSC CSE Prelims NEW!(Getting Started) Minimize Negative Marking and Maximize Your UPSC CSE Prelims Score NEW!(Getting Started) Preparing for Economics Optional – Aishwarya Sheoran's Strategy (AIR 93) ...
Yes, there will be a negative marking for every wrong answer given. For how many marks is the written examination conducted? The written examination is conducted for a total of 900 marks. Can females apply for the post of UPSC NDA Exam?
Negative Marking⅓ of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every wrong answer Time AllottedTwo hours each; GS Paper-I – 2 Hours (9:30 AM -11:30 AM) CSAT – 2 Hours (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM) The two papers of the IAS prelims are discussed in detail below...
How to calculate your Score of UPSC Prelims after negative marking? How to Prepare for UPSC Prelims? UPSC Preliminary Exam Tips – जानिये क्या है, प्रारम्भिक परीक्षा में स्कोर करन...
Negative Marking: AS per the UPSC prelims syllabus, there is "Negative Marking" in the Prelims exam.For every wrong answer, 1/3rd of marks allotted for every question will be reducedfrom the correct tally of score. So candidates need to be extra careful while making wild guesses in the pre...
Based on new pattern of UPSC Exam(Negative Marking). Format of questions and topics are as per UPSC. New question paper every time you log in. You can choose to attempt any question first as in the real exam. Carefully planned paper with proper weightage to different subjects in syllabus....