Candidates qualify for Mains stage on the basis of marks obtained in GS 1. Get all important UPSC Prelims related articles below: UPSC Prelims 2021 UPSC Prelims Syllabus UPSC Prelims Strategy to Crack in First Attempt UPSC Mains 2021 Candidates who clear the preliminary stage are qualified to ...
List of Top 10 Recommended Candidates 2021-2022 ROLL_NO NAME COMM/PwBD Written Marks Interview Marks Total 0803237 Shruti Sharma 932 173 1105 0611497 Ankita Agarwal 871 179 1050 3524519 Gamini Singla 858 187 1045 5401266 Aishwarya Verma 860 ...
the csat paper consists of 80 questions which the candidate has to finish in the allotted time of 2 hours only. each question carries 2.5 marks in the csat paper making the total to 200 marks. candidates must remember that there is negative marking in the csat paper. for every incorrect ...
Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Data analysis and policy formulation Collection, analysis and interpretation of statistical data, policy formulation, and evaluation INR 56,100 INR 2,25,000 Final Civil Service Jobs List 2021A total number of 685 candidates have been recommended for appointment as ...
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of only those willing candidates who will appear in the Interview/Personality Test for the Civil Service Examination and are not finally recommended for appointment. The information shared through this disclosure scheme about the non-recommended candidates may be used by other public and private ...
To be a part of the final list of recommended candidates, usually close to 50% marks are needed in total (Mains + Interview). The GS part in Mains is diverse and comprehensive, so it becomes essential from the exam point of view to identify key areas which can fetch more marks with re...
candidates have to write two essays out of a few given options for a total of 250 marks. As per the UPSC, “Candidates are expected to keep close to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exa...
In the year 1982, CRAFICARD or the Committee to Review Arrangements of Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development recommended the establishment of a developmental bank and accordingly, NABARD was set up. It was formed by a special parliamentary act. The chief focus of the organisati...
Candidates qualify for Mains stage on the basis of marks obtained in GS 1. Get all important UPSC Prelims related articles below: UPSC Prelims 2021UPSC Prelims SyllabusUPSC Prelims Strategy to Crack in First Attempt UPSC Mains 2021 Candidates who clear the preliminary stage are qualified to appear...